Christmas Coundown

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I revised my essay before turning it in. Then I revised according to the teacher's instructions, and I will probably revise it again. I think it's very cool that this teacher allows us to continually revise and improve our grade.

Now on to beading-------- I haven't had as much time to work :(
 I still get things done if I have an order but it's been hard to find time to just make whatever I want to make. (I have about 120 items already made and on display in my home office).  On the plus side some people in my classes have shown an interest in my items. And Sheri Shouse (my biggest supporter) always has something to keep me busy :)

I have some super-cool ideas that I can't wait to try out. Here are some hints: One has to do with keys (an inspiration I got from my Keys for Writers book in English 101), and several have to do with mirrors (an inspiration from doodles I made in English class). So keep an eye on my blog. I will post pictures when I get the time to actually make the items.