Christmas Coundown

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Photo Book

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

I am kind of disappointed. The bracelet didn't get into the auction. It didn't make it to the auctioneers in time.  Oh well. Hopefully Network Tacoma can sell it and use the money that way.

Network Tacoma Auction

I finished the bracelet for the Network Tacoma Auction a few days ago. I am getting all dressed up to attend the auction now. I thought I would post a couple pictures of the bracelet before I go. One of the bracelet in it's box and another close up picture.  I am looking forward to seeing how the bracelet does at auction.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I finished the loom work on the bracelet. It is kind of cool. However I don't like it for the auction so I am starting a new one. The one I am working on now is made entirely with Delica seed beads. They are a high quality (expensive) bead made for loom work.  I am posting pictures of both of them. Neither one is finished but you can get the idea of what they will look like. The one on top is the first one I did. The one on bottom is the one I am doing now.